
Präsentationen 2024

Dalkner, N Resilienz: Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven und Anwendungen
Inge St. Symposium 2024 An Krisen wachsen. Forschung - Einsichten - Erfahrungen; OCT 7, 2024; Graz, AUSTRIA. 2024. [Oral Communication]

Dalkner, N Empowering Healthcare Professionals through XR Resilience Training
Build.well.being 2024; SEP 13, 2024; St. Pölten, AUSTRIA. 2024. [Keynote lecture]

Dalkner, N; Lenger, M; Roszipal, B; Stross, T; Huber, V; Lackner, H; Finner, A; Fellendorf, FT; Egger-Lampl, S; Karlseder, M; Reininghaus, EZ Extended reality training to enhance resilience in healthcare workers: Preliminary findings from XRes4HEALTH
Proceedings of the 37th ECNP Conference. 2024; -37th ECNP Congress; SEP 21-24, 2024; Milan, ITALY. [Poster]

Dalkner, N; Seitz, R; Angel, S; Van Leeuwen, N; Paloutzian, R.The Science of Believing - Insights into Behavioral Control, Social Psychology & Cultural Evolution: The Interplay between Believing Processes, Metacognition and Mental Health
Proceedings of the 33rd International Congress of Psychology. 2024; -ICP ; JUL 21-26, 2024; Prague, Czech Rebuplic. [Oral Communication]

Lenger, M; Dalkner, N XRes4Health - A Pilot Study
Building Your Mental Health. 2024; -Kick off Meeting, XR2Resilience; SEP 16-18, 2024; Graz. [Oral Communication]

Lenger, M; Reininghaus, EZ; Lang, JN; Lackner, H; Schleinitz, AJS; Kratzer, L; Hick, H; Arrigoni, F; Trofaier, M; Kranabitl, P; Dalkner, N Artificial Competence - Decision-making with AI and its impact on mental resources
Proceedings of the 37th ECNP Conference. 2024; -ECNP Congress; SEP 20-24, 2024; Milan. [Poster]