
The team of the special outpatient center consists of an interdisciplinary team of specialists and assistant physicians for psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine, clinical psychologists, students and research assistants. 

We are a care and research special outpatient center and appointments are made by telephone only.

As a clinical and scientific special outpatient center, we are committed to patient care, research and teaching.

Eva Maria Reininghaus

"The scientific involvement and clinical care via the special ambulance for bipolar disorders in Graz is unique in Austria. Our focus is not only on research into known clinical factors, such as genetics and cognitive function deficits, but also on lifestyle factors that have been shown to positively influence the course of therapy."

Eva Maria Reininghaus, Head of the special outpatient center

What is a bipolar disorder?

Bipolar affective disorder is associated with recurrent episodes in which mood and energy level change. (Hypo)manic episodes characterized by an elevated to euphoric mood and increased activity may occur as well as depressive episodes accompanied by depression and a lack of energy. Between episodes, the person may have no symptoms, and mood and energy level may be in balance. Men and women are affected with equal frequency. The disorder typically arises for the first time between the ages of 20 and 30.

Interview: Eva Reininghaus

Dieses Video wurde uns mit freundlicher Genehmigung des ORF zur Verfügung gestellt. Aktuell nach Eins/LIVE-Schaltung Bipolare Störung, ORF Sendung vom 24.05.2024.


Auenbruggerplatz 31, 8036 Graz
T: +43 316 385 86257