
Through research and scientific exchange, we guarantee that our patients have access to state-of-the-art therapeutic options. The main research topic of our division is somatic disorders and neuroinflammation in mental illness. Basic research and longitudinal research should increase the basic understanding of mechanisms and processes of mental illnesses while clinical trials should lead to new diagnosis and treatment options. This will guarantee that our patients receive the best possible clinical care. Patients have the opportunity to participate in clinical trials and thus have the privilege of taking new medications.

Head of Division

Eva Maria Reininghaus 
T: +43 316 385 13612

Scientific Director

Nina Dalkner  
T: +43 316 385 30081

Unsere Forschungsschwerpunkte

Was macht unsere Forschungsleistung aus? Nachstehende "Eckpfeiler" sind die Grundlagen unserer internationalen Forschungsleistung:

  • Engagierte Wissenschaft
  • Internationale Kompetitivität und Zusammenarbeit
  • Nachwuchsförderung
  • Frauenförderung
Mehr dazu erfahren

Auszeichnung: Wir sind LExA 2023!

Der LExA-Award steht für herausragende und innovative Führungsqualitäten im Bereich der Forschung und Wissenschaft. Das Career Center der Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft hat diesen besonderen Award erstmals vergeben – unsere Führungspersönlichkeit und Klinikvorständin Eva Reininghaus hat den LExA - Leadership Excellence Award in Research 2023 gewonnen!



BIPFAT/BIPLONG: Connection between bipolar disorder (BIP) and metabolic factors (FAT) in the long term (LONG)

Clinical trials: Effectiveness and Tolerance of Psychotropic Drugs and Psychotherapeutic Methods

  • Randomized controlled trials to investigate the effectiveness and effects of psychopharmacological treatment (e.g., S-ketamine) and psychotherapy (e.g., Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy) or psychoeducation for severe mental illness
  • Project partners: Uni Graz, Department of Psychology, City of Graz, JANSSEN

Mental disorders and somatic disease – psychohepatology, psychocardiology and psychodermatology

Psychological effects of COVID-19

Lifestyle, gut health and neurobiological fundamentals in mental illness

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