
Our division is responsible for teaching the required module PMXXII Menschliche Psyche/Human Psyche and also offers a range of free electives. It also holds lectures for nursing science and psychology students. Furthermore, we are integrated into the Doctoral School for Lifestyle-Related Diseases.


Research-led teaching

The "Nutritional Psychiatry – Nutritional Medicine in Psychiatry" teaching unit under the direction of Sabrina Mörkl has the following aims:

  • To anchor applied, practical nutritional medicine in all levels of education and teach the fundamentals of nutritional science as related to medicine and psychiatry
  • To be one of the first universities in Europe to anchor nutritional medicine in psychiatry education
  • To establish nutritional medicine and knowledge of lifestyle medicine in prevention and treatment of mental illness as part of modern biopsychosocial therapy

The teaching unit is closely networked with the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy, the Division of Immunology and Pathophysiology and various other national and international cooperation partners.


Postgraduate training

The wide range of professional development opportunities at the Medical University of Graz is directed at a variety of occupational groups in the fields of medicine, science and research, nursing and health services. Most of the professional development courses can be completed while the participant is regularly employed and provide him/her with a valuable additional qualification.

Module coordinator

Andreas Baranyi  
T: +43 316 385 13612
Andreas Baranyi